New Release Professional Development - DBT 5 Part Series

board approved supervision dbt professional development provisional psychologist hub Dec 02, 2022

We couldn't end the year without one more new release. Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Mini Series is AVAILABLE NOW!

In this workshop series we introduce the treatment intervention Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT). DBT is a broad-based cognitive behaviour therapy that balances the need for acceptance of past experiences and self with the knowledge that the person needs to also make changes in their behaviour. We will further explore DBT in four core areas, providing a single workshop for each area.  

  • Mindfulness 
  • Emotional Regulation 
  • Distress Tolerance 
  •  Interpersonal Effectiveness 

1. Mindfulness

"Mindfulness is the act of consciously focusing the mind in the present moment without judgement and without attachment to the moment" (Linehan, 2015). 

This webinar introduces what is mindfulness, explores common myths and barriers of mindfulness, and outlines the goals of mindfulness practice from a DBT framework. Further the webinar discusses the mechanisms for change with respect to emotion regulation and introduces the core mindfulness skills taught to clients in DBT including: Wise Mind, What skills and How skills.

 2. Emotion Regulation

“Emotion regulation is the ability to control or influence which emotions you have, when you have them, and how you experience and express them.” Tate & Petruzzello (1995). This webinar defines pervasive emotion dysregulation and emotion regulation and explores the associated difficulties. It also explains the goals of emotion regulation and introduces core emotion regulation skills taught in DBT including understanding and naming emotions, changing unwanted emotions, reducing vulnerability to emotion mind, and managing difficult emotions. It also provides clinical considerations for working with emotion regulation in individual therapy and applies to a case study. 

3. Distress Tolerance 

Distress Tolerance is the “…. capacity to withstand negative emotional and/or other aversive states (e.g. physical discomfort), and the behavioral act of withstanding distressing internal states elicited by some type of stressor.” Leyro, Zvolensky & Bernstein, 2010). Or, simply defined by Linehan (2015) to “…bear pain skillfully”. This webinar introduces definitions of Distress Tolerance and in particular, looks at the relationship between distress tolerance and emotion regulation. It also covers the goals of distress tolerance, defines what a 'crisis' situation is and talks about the core distress tolerance skills covered from a DBT framework including crisis survival skills and reality acceptance skills. Similar to the Emotion Regulation webinar, it also provides clinical considerations for working with distress tolerance in individual therapy and applies this to a case study. 

4. Interpersonal Effectiveness

Interpersonal effectiveness means being effective in interpersonal interactions in order to enhance the quality of relationships. More specific to DBT it is

“…being effective when you ask someone for something or respond to a request, while at the same time maintaining or even improving both the relationship and your self-respect.” (Linehan, 2015). This webinar explores what makes someone vulnerable to interpersonal effectiveness and discusses the importance of the therapeutic relationship for making change in interpersonal problems. Interpersonal effectiveness skills from a DBT framework are introduced including clarifying the goals in interpersonal situations, objective, relationship and self respect effectiveness as well as the skills for starting new relationships and ending bad ones. 

This DBT series is designed to be an introduction to DBT and its applied practice in both group skills training and individual therapy. All of the standalone webinars build on the Introduction to DBT webinar and offer a multimodal method of learning including pre-reading materials, resources, the recorded webinar itself, videos, practical examples and case studies, and experiential and reflective practice opportunities. 

 These workshops are available as part of the series Professional Development for Provisional Psychologists or you can purchase it as a stand alone workshop. 

For existing subscribers and members you will find these workshops available in the following weeks. LOGIN to get started. 

Week 106 DBT 5 Part Series: Introduction to Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (Part 1)
Week 108 DBT 5 Part Series: Mindfulness (Part 2)
Week 110 DBT 5 Part Series: Emotional Regulation (Part 3)
Week 112 DBT 5 Part Series: Distress Tolerance (Part 4)
Week 114 DBT 5 Part Series: Interpersonal Effectiveness (Part 5)

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