Case Reports

Under the current 4+2 guidelines, interns must complete eight case reports and submit four of these to the Board (two assessment focused and two intervention focused).

Under the current 5+1 guidelines, interns must complete at least two assessment and two intervention case reports  during the internship.


Board Approved Supervisors

Book Supervision with a Board Approved Supervisor experienced in case reports. 

Susie Upton


Since 2006, Susie has built a successful career with expertise in vocational rehabilitation, return-to-work, and adult mental health. She also held leadership roles in the youth homelessness non-profit sector, gaining valuable experience in rapport building, child protection, and trauma support for young individuals. In 2011, she joined a child psychology practice, later taking on management roles within a non-profit focused on child sexual assault survivors. In 2013, Susie co-founded a private practice in Brisbane, which was acquired in 2021. Throughout her diverse career, Susie has emphasized evidence-based intervention and ethical leadership in various sectors.

Nicola Mitchell


Nicola has 17 years experience as a Psychologist and over 10 years as a Board Approved Supervisor. Nicola has worked in a variety of settings including private practice, hospital settings including inpatient mental health, occupational health and rehabilitation, disability including NDIS, clinical governance, employment services, and corrections.

Nicola practices from a variety of frameworks including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness-based therapies, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (group skills training and therapy), Interpersonal Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, and feels strongly about the role of formulation in assessment and therapy.

Dr. Graeme Senior (assessment only)

(Independent Contractor)
Graeme is a US-trained clinician, supervisor, researcher, and academic who has over 30 years experience in neuropsychological, forensic, and clinical assessment. He was an Associate Professor at the University of Southern Queensland and Director of the Centre for Psychological Assessment, a training facility providing free referral-based assessments for school-aged children, adolescents, and adults. His private practice, Assessment Services in Psychology, provided medicolegal assessments of personal injury claimants in Brisbane, Queensland for 20 years.

Simon Coyle

(Independent Contractor)
Simon is an experienced psychologist having worked with both children and adults over the course of his career. Simon has worked with the NSW Department of Education for over twenty years, initially as a teacher, then as a school counsellor and for the last 10 years as a senior psychologist. He remains a qualified teacher. He has also worked extensively in a private capacity with people across the lifespan. Simon has been a qualified board approved supervisor for over 13 years having worked with many provisional psychologists during this time. 

Elisa Morel

(Independent Contractor)
Elisa has worked in the private sector including vocational rehabilitation and private psychology practice. She had worked in the public arena in the area of acute mental health services for children and adolescents and within early intervention services with pre-schoolers. 
Trained in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Elisa draws on this therapeutic tool along with a range of other therapies including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Motivation Interviewing, Interpersonal Therapy, Brief Solution Focused Therapy in her clinical practice. 

Vanessa Allen

(Independent Contractor)
Vanessa has over 10 year’s experience, working with children, adults, couples and families in a range of areas; including anxiety, depression, crisis/trauma, cancer care, confidence/self-esteem and adjustment difficulties, to assist with improving health and wellbeing.

Vanessa assists parents with developing their parenting skills, including support with the management of social and behavioural difficulties with their children, family counselling and relationship counselling.

Sean Dicks

(Independent Contractor)
Sean has over 25 years experience in various roles. He uses a systemic model that highlights the significance of relationships with others and the environment as contributing to psychological health and stress. Identification of resources and client strengths contribute to the use of leverage points in these systems to facilitate change.

Amber Alexander

(Independent Contractor)

Amber has experience working in both the not-for-profit and private sectors with children, adolescents, parents, families, and adults. Amber is passionate about assessment and intervention/prevention of developmental trauma. Primarily utilising CBT, EMDR, ACT and mindfulness based interventions, Amber also understands the importance of the therapeutic alliance.

Dr Marion Barton

(Independent Contractor)

Marion is a Clinical Psychologist with twenty years of experience in providing client-centered therapy. Her therapeutic approach focuses on creating a safe and non-judgmental environment where patients can work towards achieving their best possible outcomes. Marion has a particular interest in working with individuals who have eating disorders, issues with disordered eating, and those dealing with obesity or weight management challenges.


Case Report Review


Do you need a Board Approved Supervisor to provide written review of your case report?

Provisional Psychologist Hub can provide supervision, feedback and guidance in the review of case reports. However, case reports are assessed by the Psychology Board of Australia. We are unable to guarantee a satisfactory outcome as the board assesses each case report and it is at the individual marker's discretion as to the outcome of each case report. 

We have supervisors who can review your case report and provide written feedback to consider before submitting to the Psychology Board of Australia. Case reports document the provisional psychologist’s ability to comprehensively assess clients, and provide appropriate interventions within a recognised psychological framework. We recommend before submitting your review that you use both your supervision and professional development to guide your approach to minimise the number of reviews you need to undertake. The supervisor must be satisfied that a case report meets all the criteria before it is submitted to the Board.

Each review is considered indirect supervision and when completed by our Board Approved Supervisors can be logged toward your supervision ratio.


Case Report Review (1.5 hours supervision)

Need help with your case report? We offer 1.5 hours of review and feedback provided by one of our Board Approved Supervisors. You can log this as in-direct supervision!


BUY NOW $295.50
Case Report Review (Members)
Case Report Review (Pay as you Go)

Professional Development

'Professional Development for Provisional Psychologists' includes a comprehensive e-seminar on case reports in week 16 of the monthly professional development subscription. 

If you want to access this right away you have a few options. 

1. Purchase the E-Seminar and E-Handbook combined offer. This is a stand alone workshop and is a great way to focus your learning.

2. Purchase the monthly subscription and fast forward 6 months. This is a great way to gain immediate access to case reports while gaining the value of 6 months of workshops in addition to new workshops every 2 weeks. Visit the 'Professional Development for Provisional Psychologists' page of the website to learn about fast forward options.

3. If you just need to refine your knowledge of case reports purchase the e-handbook separately. 


Professional Development Subscription (monthly)

Gradually access our suite of 120 hours professional development  including webinars, quizzes, self reflection and downloadable resources. 

We will provide new workshops every 2 weeks. The workshops are designed to be delivered to you in a set order and develop your knowledge as you grow in your role. 


 E-Seminar + E-Handbook: Case Reports

Learn about the case reports you are required to do as part of your internship.

Comprehensively explore each section of the assessment and intervention case reports.

This workshop includes a 25-page e-Handbook to accompany this e-seminar which provides detailed information about the criteria for each case report and completed examples.

BUY NOW $99.00

Case Reports

This eHandbook is designed as a guide to assist in the completion of your own individual case reports. It will help you choose the right clients for your case reports, understand the case report criteria and where to get started.

This 25-page e-Handbook provides detailed information about the criteria for each case report and completed examples.

BUY NOW $69.00