Group Supervision for Provisional Psychologists

Group supervision with provisional psychologists led by Board Approved Supervisors. For members, non members or subscribers. Get started now. 


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Group Topics

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The Importance of Group Supervision Preparation

Learn from Clinical Psychologist and Board Approved Supervisor Nicola Mitchell.


I Need My Logbooks Signed

If you have attended group supervision with us, click the link to have your logbook signed. 



Try out our webinars "Initial Semi Structured Interview"

Conducting your first session with a client can be daunting for even a high performing student.

In this e-seminar, you will learn about conducting effective semi-structured initial interviews. We provide useful tips to assist you in building a strong therapeutic alliance with your adult and child clients while collecting necessary psychosocial information required for you to assess and formulate their presenting issues.


Learn About Group Supervision

Group supervision gives you the opportunity to learn from various Board Approved Supervisors and connect with other Provisional Psychologists working in diverse roles.

Watch the video to learn about how to prepare from Clinical Psychologist and Board Approved Supervisor Nicola Mitchell. 


Browse by Topic

Group Supervision runs 7 days a week at Provisional Psychologist Hub.  



  • Working with Autistic Children (Fundamentals)
    Natalie Muldoon, Clinical Psychologist
    The group explores common goals and barriers to working effectively with autistic children. Provisional psychologists develop their skills to create a safe and secure therapy space for clients and explore how they might effectively address barriers and meet client and parent goals for therapy. The focus is to develop competency on intervention practices and knowledge of the autistic presentation, in a way that can be generalised to various autistic clients and therapy goals.
  • Working with Autistic Children (Complex Case Discussion)
    Natalie Muldoon, Clinical Psychologist
    Together, provisional psychologists develop a complex case that is then unpacked during the supervision session. Discussions can focus on assessment protocols, differential diagnoses, treatment planning and more.
  • Working with Autistic Girls
    Natalie Muldoon, Clinical Psychologist
    This group aims to develop the understanding of why autistic girls may be diagnosed later in life and why they present differently to their male counterparts. It provides an opportunity to discuss common assessment tools and strategies that are helpful in assessing the female population. Further discussions explore interventions appropriate for autistic females and take a deeper look at the masking behaviour that can occur within this population group.
  • Working with ADHD Children (Fundamentals)
    Natalie Muldoon, Clinical Psychologist
    The group unpacks what ADHD is, beyond the DSM, and how to develop a Treatment Plan specific for ADHDers. Further discussions explore appropriate psychometric tools that can assist in diagnosing and ruling out differentials. It also offers the opportunity to explore barriers to working with ADHDers and gender differences.
  • Working with ADHD Children (Complex Case Discussion)
    Natalie Muldoon, Clinical Psychologist
    Provisional psychologists are invited to create a complex case surrounding an ADHD child that is explored in supervision. The discussion unpacks various factors that can contribute to an ADHDers presentation and that may influence treatment planning. Discussions typically explore the role of parents and schools, relevant assessments and treatment plan development
  • Neurodiversity (Open Discussion)
    Natalie Muldoon, Clinical Psychologist
    Provisional Psychologists are invited to bring their own topics around working with the neurodiverse population. Participation through active discussions allow provisional psychologists to share common experiences and develop a toolbox for directly applying theoretical knowledge to their therapy approach with neurodiverse clients.
  • Engaging with Parents and Caregivers (Fundamentals)
    Natalie Muldoon, Clinical Psychologist
    Engaging parents into the therapy process can be anxiety provoking and challenging. This group aims to build confidence in carrying out steps to encourage parents and caregivers to play an active role in the therapy process. Provisional psychologists develop skills and knowledge on the ethical and legal responsibilities when working with various family dynamics and how to support parents and caregivers who present with low capacity. Further discussions can focus on positive parenting and behaviour management strategies.
  • Engaging with Parents and Caregivers (Complex Case Discussion)
    Natalie Muldoon, Clinical Psychologist
    A complex case is created collaboratively using common experiences of working with parents and caregivers. The group discusses initial hypotheses and ideas, and explores what tools may be necessary to increase parental/caregiver engagement and meet therapy goals.



  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
    Nicola Mitchell, Clinical Psychologist
    The DBT group supervision offers an opportunity to orient to this treatment approach (if this is a new area for you) such as understanding the goals of DBT, considering the underpinning theories weaved throughout and necessary for case conceptualisation, and look at some common resources and tools for DBT. It also offers an opportunity to explore the four areas covered in DBT skills training – mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance and interpersonal effectiveness.
  • Schema Therapy (Adults)
    Nicola Mitchell, Clinical Psychologist
    This group supervision offers an opportunity to orient to schema therapy (if this is a new area for you). It covers topics such as understanding core emotional needs and the formation of early life schemas, coping modes, and assessment and formulation in schema therapy. A schema treatment framework is presented and discussed. Finally, there are opportunities for case discussions and questions.
  • Metacognitive Therapy
    Nicola Mitchell, Clinical Psychologist
    This group supervision explores metacognition, metacognitive formulations (using examples) and assessment measures. We discuss metacognitive therapist skills and common MCT techniques such as attention training, detached mindfulness, and worry postponement. We will consider MCT for different presenting problems. There will also be opportunity for case discussions and questions.
  • Exposure Therapy
    Nicola Mitchell, Clinical Psychologist

    This group supervision session reviews and discusses the different types of exposure – in vivo, imaginal and interoceptive and the varied methods of delivery. Example cases with different disorders and the application of exposure is presented.The group is invited to discuss clinical considerations, contraindicators to, and problems that can arise in exposure therapy. Supervisees will be invited to present cases, discuss difficulties common when providing exposure treatment, or ask specific questions.

  • Breaking Down Internship Case Reports
    Sean Dicks, Clinical Psychologist
    By simplifying the perception of case reports, Sean aims to encourage interns to begin early and fully benefit from this aspect of their internship. Group sessions will address various needs, from understanding the report structure to editing and preparing drafts for AHPRA submission.
  • Working with Anxiety and Depression
    Vanessa Allen, Psychologist
    Working with Anxiety and Depression utilising evidence based modes of therapy focuses on utilising CBT and ACT techniques and the appropriate application of these strategies.
  • Eating Disorders inc. Assessment and Treatment Protocols
    Marion Barton, Clinical Psychologist
    Each session delves into a specific aspect: aetiology, diagnosis, and treatment across all types of EDs. Each session is self-contained, allowing focused exploration, with dedicated time for in-depth case studies. Join us as we unravel the intricacies of eating disorders and explore effective strategies for diagnosis and treatment.
  • Psychodiagnosis, Formulation, and Treatment Planning
    Dr. Lisa Studman, Clinical Psychologist | Educational and Developmental Psychologist
    This session will focus on differential diagnosis, developing a 5P formulation, and constructing treatment plans and goals. Engage in reflection, share experiences, and contribute ideas within a respectful and confidential environment. This session will promote (setting personal goals to support your growth in behaviour support). Please replace bracket content with: the development of plans to implement with clients and professional goal-setting.

  • Behaviour Support for Neurodiverse Kids and Teens
    Dr. Lisa Studman, Clinical Psychologist | Educational and Developmental Psychologist
    This session will focus on planning specific support needs based on functional assessment. This involves creating nurturing environments at home, school, and in the community, and teaching effective adaptive behaviours. You'll have a chance to reflect on your experiences, share insights in a confidential space, and build your skills while maintaining respect and confidentiality. This session will promote setting professional goals to enhance your skills in providing behaviour support.




  • Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy
    Susan Doughty, Psychologist
    Suitable for beginners as well as users of EMDR wishing to review and discuss practices. Gain an understanding of what EMDR is and how and when to best use this evidence based therapy tool. Unpack the EMDR protocol, Q & A and case discussions as needed.
  • Preparing for the NPE - Ethics and Communication Domains
    Susan Doughty, Psychologist | Amber Alexander, Psychologist
    Unpack the Ethics and Communication Domains to guide your study planning and understanding of what to expect in the NPE. Opportunities are provided for group discussions, Q&A and sample questions time permitting.
  • Preparing for the NPE - Intervention Domain
    Susan Doughty, Psychologist | Amber Alexander, Psychologist
    Unpack the Intervention Domain to guide your study planning and understanding of what to expect in the NPE. Opportunities are provided for group discussions, Q&A and sample questions time permitting.
  • Preparing for the NPE - Assessment Domain
    Susan Doughty, Psychologist | Amber Alexander, Psychologist
    Unpack the Assessment Domain to guide your study planning and understanding of what to expect in the NPE. Opportunities are provided for group discussions, Q&A and sample questions time permitting.
  • NPE Practice Questions - Open Discussion
    Amber Alexander, Psychologist
    Practice questions promote improved learning and retention when preparing for an exam. Learn the art of unpacking the question and be supported in examining various practice questions from all four domains. If preferred we can also focus on one or two particular domains.
  • WISC and WAIS Cognitive Assessments - Familiarisation and Administration
    Susan Doughty, Psychologist
    Suitable for beginners or those wanting to refresh their knowledge. We examine the structures and administration processes of these popular cognitive assessments using demonstrations, practice and Q&A throughout the supervision session.
  • WISC and WAIS Cognitive Assessments - Scoring, Interpretation and Reporting
    Susan Doughty, Psychologist
    Suitable for beginners or those wanting to refresh their knowledge. We will examine scoring procedures, how to interpret score results and discuss effective psychometric assessment report writing. We will use case examples to practice these processes whilst discussion along with Q&A is welcome throughout the session.
  • Responding to Suicidality: Skills for a Person Centred Approach to Risk Assessment
    Melissa Cheras, Psychologist
    This group supervision aims to support you to deepen your knowledge and skills in how to more effectively engage and support your clients who are experiencing suicidality, through a collaborative and person centred risk assessment process.

  • Responding to Suicidality: Skills for Collaborative Safety Planning
    Melissa Cheras, Psychologist
    This group supervision aims to support you to deepen your knowledge and skills in how to more effectively engage your clients in the development of a collaborative suicide prevention safety plan, which is tailored and meaningful for your client.
  • Psychology Services for Children and Adolescents - Case Discussions
    Susan Doughty, Psychologist
    Suitable for those both new to working with this age group as well as those with lots of experience. We will unpack cases and troubleshoot barriers to therapy which we all experience now and then. You may bring along your own case for discussion. This group is suitable for repeat attendance as every session is different.




  • Mindfulness Practice
    Jacqueline Sander, Psychologist
    This group supervision focuses on the benefits of mindfulness practices for both clients and clinicians. Delve into various aspects of mindfulness, including introspective awareness, breathing techniques, loving kindness, mindfulness for children, and reflective tools for clinicians. Through experiential exercises, participants explore the benefits of mindfulness firsthand and discuss potential contraindications. Supervisees engage in reflection, ask questions, and participate in experiential practices to enhance their understanding and application of mindfulness in clinical practice.
  • Case Formulation
    Natalia Whiteman, Educational & Developmental Psychologist
    Explore case formulation essentials and practical applications in client sessions. Learn to structure effective case formulations with a guided flowchart and engage in interactive case discussions.
  • Working with Clients with a Disability 
    Natalia Whiteman, Educational & Developmental Psychologist
    Discover key considerations for working with clients with disabilities, covering definitions, NDIS requirements, and tailored intervention strategies. Join us for valuable insights into these vital aspects of psychology practice.
  • Positive Behaviour Support
    Natalia Whiteman, Educational & Developmental Psychologist 
    This group supervision session aims to deepen your understanding of positive behavior support. Natalia will illustrate this with a flow chart and guide you through creating a behavior support plan template. Additionally, She will share practical tips for parents to implement at home. You'll also have the chance to address any questions you may have on positive behavior support.
  • Approaching Your Internship: Enhancing Motivation and Reslience
    Sharon Sweeney, Career Coach, Psychologist
    In this session, participants will be encouraged to delve into various aspects of motivation and to confront any issues that may be triggering stress, avoidance, demotivation, or hindering their progress. Participants can expect to gain valuable insights and strategies for regaining focus, enhancing resilience, and setting goals to address challenges.
  • Improving Conversations (employers, Clients, Supervisors)
    Sharon Sweeney, Career Coach, Psychologist
    Participants can anticipate receiving guidance and support to delve into the aspects of their work they find difficult to express, and understand why these challenges exist. Moreover, the session aims to empower provisional psychologists with strategies to influence and assertively communicate with a range of stakeholders.
  • Taking Control of Your Development and Performance
    Sharon Sweeney, Career Coach, Psychologist
    In this group supervision session, participants can expect to be encouraged to reflect on their own mindset and discipline, and to review their progress towards internship completion, and effective practice as a psychologist. We will discuss topics such as maintaining focus and motivation, the power of goal setting and the importance of seeking feedback from others to confirm strengths and blind spots.
  • Working with Adults: Trauma-Informed Practice
    Riana Losung, Organisational Psychologist
    What is trauma-informed practice and how do we create healing systems in our practice with clients? This session allows for reflection on our practice and how best to support our clients while working in systems that have the potential to re-traumatise them.



  • Circle of Security Model: Understanding Attachment Relationships
    Deena Cooper, Educational & Developmental Psychologist
    Introducing the Circle of Security, an attachment-based parenting intervention, this group is suitable for both newcomers and experienced facilitators. 

  • Working with Children and Adolescents: Child Protection
    Deena Cooper, Educational & Developmental Psychologist
    This group covers a broad range of topics relevant to Psychologists working directly with children and young people, but also covers the obligations that all Psychologists
    have to protect vulnerable young people. Child protection is an area that many Psychologists find difficult to navigate and this group aims to develop confidence and competence to respond to concerns about a child’s safety. In this session we adapt the focus depending on participants' needs and interests. This may include identifying common pitfalls, myths, and mistakes that occur in child protection, how to identify your mandatory reporting obligations depending on your role, identifying developmental “red flags”, how to conduct risk assessments, balancing confidentiality, identifying abuse and harm, understanding the child protection system, as well as how to use your knowledge in in psychology to accurately identify and effectively communicate concerns to parents, children and other professionals.
  • Working with Children and Adolescents: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
    Deena Cooper, Educational & Developmental Psychologist
    This group focuses on adapting the popular ACT model to suit children and young people, catering to both experienced practitioners and those new to the approach. Participants explore methods to make ACT more appealing and effective for younger demographics, enhancing their experience in supporting youth through this therapeutic framework.
  • Working with Children and Adolescents: Working in Schools
    Deena Cooper, Educational & Developmental Psychologist
    Delve into crucial strategies for supporting young people within the school environment, covering various pertinent areas such as managing school refusal, collaborating effectively with schools, and understanding disability and learning support. The sessions adapt to the interests and needs of participants, offering insights into establishing effective systems for student support and intervention.
  • Working with Adults: Neurodiversity
    Deena Cooper, Educational & Developmental Psychologist
    For psychologists working with neurodivergent adults and older adolescents, this group offers resources and strategies to adapt therapeutic interventions for this population. Through case examples and clinical experiences, participants explore overcoming common barriers to therapy and adapting communication styles for optimal support.
  • Behaviour Management Techniques
    Deena Cooper, Educational & Developmental Psychologist
    Focusing on behaviour management models and strategies, this dynamic group caters to psychologists working with children, young people, and caregivers. Through case studies and examples, participants explore approaches such as 1-2-3-Magic and emotion coaching, adapting strategies to suit diverse client populations including neurodivergent individuals and those with trauma experiences.
  • Complex PTSD in Adults
    Jacqueline Sander, Psychologist
    In this group we explore the experience of complex PTSD survivors and how to distinguish this from PTSD. Participants reflect on how to instill hope and a sense of safety for their clients with complex PTSD. We dive into the assessment process, early engagement and establishment of relative safety, and the two stages of recovery - stabilisation and reprocessing, and risk considerations. The polyvagal theory among other psychoeducational tools will be explored. Treatment approaches such as EMDR, body-integrative practices, imagery rescripting are presented among others. These topics are spread out over the course of a year.

  • Cultural Diversity - Creating and Discussing Culturally Safe Practice
    Meaghan Poulton, Psychologist
    This group is aimed at provisional psychologists who are looking to further their
    development in culturally safe practice. Meaghan has co – facilitated cultural
    awareness training for hospital staff and currently works in private practice, seeing
    people from a range of cultures. We typically start with some personal reflections,
    review the APS Ethical/ Practice Guides and review the issue of culture across the
    NPE domains.

    NDIS: Applications, Plans, Assessment, Therapy and FAQ
    Meaghan Poulton, Psychologist
    This group will assist your practice, whether you are working a lot or a little, with
    clients who are eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Meaghan has
    worked with NDIS clients in public health with children and private practice with
    adults and provides an overview and key links. Participants report how good it is to
    discuss the range of psychologist and other roles, to see where their service fits.
    Other popular topics are the use of a functional approach, report writing and
    reducing confusion with FAQ.

    Preparing for the NPE - Intervention Domain
    Meaghan Poulton, Psychologist
    Unpack the Intervention Domain to guide your study planning and understanding of what to expect in the NPE. Opportunities are provided for group discussions, Q&A and sample questions time permitting.



  • Facilitating Group Therapy
    Melissa Cheras, Psychologist 
    This group supervision is suitable for practitioners who are either currently running group therapy or group psycho-educational programs, as well as for practitioners who may have limited or no experience in this area but who are interested in learning more about group facilitation skills. This group aims to support you to deepen your knowledge and understanding of: principles for setting up group therapy, approaches for establishing group safety, and skills for delivering group content and managing group dynamics. The skills we discuss are applicable and transferable across all client age groups.
  • Self-Compassion Practice
    Jacqueline Sander, Psychologist
    We explore through group discussions and experiential practices of the transdiagnostic value of a self-compassionate lens in therapy. Participants are invited to engage in nurturing self compassion practices for their own wellbeing and apply those to their work with clients. Using client scenarios we explore possible obstacles to self compassion and how to overcome those. This group is suitable for re attendance.
  • Case Reports Q&A
    Director and Board Approved Supervisor Susie Upton
    Non-Members who book this group get 50% off "Case Reports E-Handbook"
  • Preparing for the NPE - Intervention Domain
    Susan Doughty, Psychologist | Amber Alexander, Psychologist
    Unpack the Intervention Domain to guide your study planning and understanding of what to expect in the NPE. Opportunities are provided for group discussions, Q&A and sample questions time permitting.
  • Preparing for the NPE - Assessment Domain
    Susan Doughty, Psychologist | Amber Alexander, Psychologist
    Unpack the Assessment Domain to guide your study planning and understanding of what to expect in the NPE. Opportunities are provided for group discussions, Q&A and sample questions time permitting.




  • Breaking Down Internship Case Reports
    Sean Dicks, Clinical Psychologist
    By simplifying the perception of case reports, Sean aims to encourage interns to begin early and fully benefit from this aspect of their internship. Group sessions will address various needs, from understanding the report structure to editing and preparing drafts for AHPRA submission.
  • Therapy from a Systems Approach
    Sean Dicks, Clinical Psychologist
    University courses, and many internships are focused on individual assessment and intervention. Sean hopes to prepare interns for the occasions when they will have more than one individual in the room at the same time (e.g. couples / families), and for other times where there may be one person in the room, but the issues described are related more to system functioning rather than individual mental health.

  • Working with Adults: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
    Meaghan Poulton, Psychologist
    For all those interested in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, come along to
    contribute or listen in. Meaghan has a special interest in psychological counselling
    and uses ACT in private practice for adults. This group typically has an energetic
    discussion of tips/ techniques/ resources from Russ Harris and others – brought by
    the group. Let’s talk about how you can use this in your practice.

  • Self Supervision and Reflective Practice - Lifelong Practice Empowerment
    Meaghan Poulton, Psychologist
    Meaghan has supervised interns for 25 years and knows how to keep it fresh! This
    group will introduce you to your “internal supervisor” and give you skills to strengthen
    this internal dialogue to be more self supportive and practice focussed. Reflective
    practice can exist in so many formats and this group gives you the opportunity to
    hear about how others use this process and review your options.

  • Preparing for the NPE - Assessment Domain
    Meaghan Poulton, Psychologist
    Unpack the Assessment Domain to guide your study planning and understanding of what to expect in the NPE. Opportunities are provided for group discussions, Q&A and sample questions time permitting. 

Group Supervision Payment Options

Provisional Psychologist Hub provide a range of payment options. Select the payment model that is right for you. 

Pay by the Hour $0 upfront

Setup a pay as you go account so we can debit your payment as your supervision occurs. $0 Up Front and $94 per group session thereafter. 


Subscription $89 per f/night

Sign up and save to gain access to 1 hour of group supervision every fortnight. Convenient and regular direct debit. $89.00 per fortnight. 


Memberships from $183 per f/night

Become a member to have group supervision, workshops, individual supervision and psychometric assessments for one regular fee. 


Group Supervision 5 Pack $445

Gain access to group supervision at a discounted rate by purchasing 5 hours up front. Save $25!