Interview - Serena Lee: Group Supervision, Working with Different Cultural Backgrounds

board approved supervision group supervision provisional psychologist hub working with different cultural backgrounds Jan 20, 2023
Working with different cultural backgrounds

We recently spoke to Serena Lee about her upcoming group supervision sessions on working with different cultural backgrounds. The groups Serena is running this year have been running with strong attendance for some time, so we thought we would ask her a few questions about the groups, what inspired her to run them and what some of her supervisees take away from the group. Check out her interview here. 

What is involved in this group?

This group explores common issues and factors that come from working within a culturally diverse client population. Important things like the use of interpreters and barriers to treatment progress are something that I want provisional psychologists to be able to consider when and prior to working with clients from different cultural backgrounds and be able to make those considerations in an informed way. Group supervision creates a safe space to ask questions that might otherwise have become assumptions or overlooked. The format of the group involves a PowerPoint presentation, Q&A along with case discussions.

Why is this group important?
It is important for psychologists and provisional psychologists to understand how language and culture can impact therapeutic alliance, and treatment progress and outcome. It brings forward self-reflection and consideration on how the psychologists’ own values and culture can impact therapy.

What inspired you to run this group?
As a psychologist who grew up in Australia with an Asian culture, I have a passion for understanding different cultural background. I wanted to run this group to raise awareness of the different cultures and hope to inspire psychologists to learn tips and strategies for using interpreters and be more confident in working with diverse culture.

What have attendees say about this group?
I have been running the group for a while but the feedback that stands out as most frequent includes 3 things. 
1. I now have a better understanding on how to incorporate interpreters.
2. It's interesting how I can now recognise how my own culture can be similar/different to others.
3. I found the case examples provided beneficial to consolidate my understanding.
Who do you suggest attends this group?
All psychologists and provisional psychologists who want to learn practical tips to manage cultural impact in sessions.

Group Supervision Schedule
Working with Different Cultural Backgrounds
Board Approved Supervisor: Serena Lee (General Psychologist)
Schedule During Daylight Savings:
Wednesdays 3.00pm QLD, 4.00pm NSW/VIC/TAS, 1.00pm WA, 3.30pm SA, 2.30pm NT
Schedule During Daylight Savings:
Wednesdays 3.00pm QLD/NSW/VIC/TAS, 1.00pm WA, 2.30pm SA/NT
Frequency: Every 4 weeks

These responses were provided by Serena Lee on Friday 20/01/2023 

To learn more about Serena follow the link; 

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