Case Report Review (Board Approved Supervision)

Congratulations on selecting Case Report Review (Board Approved Supervision)

What You'll Get!

  • 1.5 hours of Board Approved Supervision (indirect) specifically focussed on written review of your internship case report.

Provisional Psychologist Hub can provide supervision, feedback and guidance in the review of case reports. However, case reports are assessed by the Psychology Board of Australia. We are unable to guarantee a satisfactory outcome as the board assesses each case report and it is at the individual marker's discretion as to the outcome of each case report. 


We have supervisors who can review your case report and provide written feedback to consider before submitting to the Psychology Board of Australia. Case reports document the provisional psychologist’s ability to comprehensively assess clients, and provide appropriate interventions within a recognised psychological framework. 

Each review is considered indirect supervision and when completed by our Board Approved Supervisors can be logged toward your supervision ratio. 

Once you have purchased we will be in touch the next business day to arrange your review. 

Am I the right person to purchase this product? 

This purchase is suitable for Provisional Psychologists undertaking an internship pathway requiring feedback on a case report. 

How long will I have access? 

This purchase is valid for 60 days from date of purchase.

Cancellation Policy

This purchase is non refundable. 

Our Mission 

Our mission is to provide professional development and supervision that will elevate the quality assurance of mental health and evidence based psychological services nationally. We encourage all those purchasing to ensure that the services being purchased are right for you before you process payment. To see our full terms and conditions please review the service agreement available at the bottom of this page. 


$295.50 AUD

All purchases are subject to our terms of use policy, intellectual property, privacy and services agreement. Please refer to the links at the bottom of this page. 


Learn about the case reports you are required to do as part of your internship. Comprehensively explore each section of the assessment and intervention case reports.

This workshop includes a 25-page e-Handbook to accompany this e-seminar which provides detailed information about the criteria for each case report and completed examples.

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