Professional Development for Provisional Psychologists (7 day free trial)

Congratulations on selecting Professional Development for Provisional Psychologists 

What You'll Get!

Provisional Psychologist Hub offers an extensive range of Professional Development designed specifically for Provisional Psychologists entering Psychological Practice for the first time or those looking to refresh their skills and knowledge and meet their professional development requirements. 

You will receive 120 hours professional development  over 2 years including webinars, quizzes, self reflection journals and downloadable resources. A full list of workshops and the order you receive them in is available on our website. 

New workshops every 2 weeks are designed to be delivered in a set order and develop your knowledge as you grow in your role. 

7 Day Trial 

This purchase includes a 7 day trial. You may choose to cancel prior to the 7 days and no payment will be deducted. If cancellation is not made payment will be deducted monthly thereafter. 

Workshop Access 

You will continue to have access to your professional development for as long as your subscription remains current and payments continue to be made. Once you cancel your subscription you will have access to your professional development until the end of that billing cycle. 

$59.95 AUD

Every month

7 day trial
Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

All purchases are subject to our terms of use policy, intellectual property, privacy and services agreement. Please refer to the links at the bottom of this page. 


Your membership includes a monthly professional development subscription that provides you new workshops every 2 weeks. This upgrade will move you forward 6 months in your professional development subscription while you continue to get new workshops every 2 weeks. 

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