Behaviour Management Techniques with Melissa Ford

behaviour management techniques board approved supervision group supervision provisional psychologist hub Nov 03, 2022
Behaviour Management Techniques

In 2023 Educational and Developmental Psychologist Melissa Ford will be running a 4 part group supervision series on Behaviour Management Techniques, and she recently told us that she feels this is one of her most important group supervision sessions, so we thought we would ask her a bit more about them. See the comments below on the session names, days and times. 

 Melissa, can you tell me a bit about Behaviour Management Techniques?

Behaviour management is one of the vital aspects of being a balanced parent. Parents need to know both where the line in the sand is for what behaviour they will and will not allow and then knowing how to guide their children to experience logical consequences and learn other ways of responding. Being contained and supported in this way helps children feel safe and loved and reduces anxiety and insecurity. 

 Why is this group important?

It is important for psychologists to be able to provide simple, practical, specific and tailored strategies to assist parents to feel confident in their role as leader of the family. Often very small tweaks to how parents respond to the behaviour of the child, can make a huge difference in changing negative cycles in families.

Are all the sessions the same or do you have different topics?

Each session has a different topic which I will discuss and then we will apply to different real life cases. Topics that will be covered are: The role of the parent in attachment, the 123 Magic Discipline model, the use of routine and logical consequences and co-regulating big emotions.

Who do you suggest attends this group?

All psychologists that work with children, adolescents, families or anyone who wants to learn new strategies to assist their own parenting and understanding of childhood development and needs. '

Group Supervision Schedule 

 Behaviour Management Techniques: the 123 Magic Model
Supervisor: Melissa Ford
Educational and Developmental Psychologist
Schedule During Daylight Savings:
Mondays 11.30am QLD/ 12.30pm NSW/VIC/TAS, 9.30am WA, 12.00pm SA, 11.00am NT
Schedule Outside Daylight Savings:
Mondays 11.30am QLD/NSW/VIC/TAS, 9.30am WA, 11.00am SA/ NT
Frequency: Every 4 weeks
Suitable for Reattendance: Yes

Behaviour Management Techniques: Role of Parent in the Attachment
Board Approved Supervisor: Melissa Ford
Educational and Developmental Psychologist
Schedule During Daylight Savings:
Mondays 11.30am QLD/ 12.30pm NSW/VIC/TAS, 9.30am WA, 12.00pm SA, 11.00am NT
Schedule Outside Daylight Savings:
Mondays 11.30am QLD/NSW/VIC/TAS, 9.30am WA, 11.00am SA/ NT
Frequency: Every 4 weeks
Suitable for Reattendance: Yes

Behaviour Management Techniques: Co-Regulating Big Emotions
Board Approved Supervisor: Melissa Ford
Educational and Developmental Psychologist
Schedule During Daylight Savings:
Mondays 11.30am QLD/ 12.30pm NSW/VIC/TAS, 9.30am WA, 12.00pm SA, 11.00am NT
Schedule Outside Daylight Savings:
Mondays 11.30am QLD/NSW/VIC/TAS, 9.30am WA, 11.00am SA/ NT
Frequency: Every 4 weeks
Suitable for Reattendance: Yes

Behaviour Management Techniques: Use of Routine and Logical Consequences
Supervisor: Melissa Ford
Educational and Developmental Psychologist
Schedule During Daylight Savings:
Mondays 11.30am QLD/ 12.30pm NSW/VIC/TAS, 9.30am WA, 12.00pm SA, 11.00am NT
Schedule Outside Daylight Savings:
Mondays 11.30am QLD/NSW/VIC/TAS,   9.30am WA, 11.00am SA/ NT
Frequency: Every 4 weeks
Suitable for Reattendance: Yes  

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