Free E-Seminar and Checklist
Finding Psychological Practice

Thanks for registering with the Provisional Psychologist Hub.

We will keep you up to date with monthly e-newsletters, tips and advice as you search for roles in psychological practice. You now have exclusive access to our free E-Seminar facilitated by Board Approved Supervisor Susie Upton in addition to a job search checklist to help you find the right role for your internship.

Download FREE Job Search Checklist

What Next? 

We recommend purchasing our professional development series 'Professional Development for Aspiring Provisional Psychologists' to further develop your knowledge of the available pathways. Hear from a career coach with guidance on putting your best foot forward for your application and interview before completing workshops on initial interviews, case formulation and treatment planning preparing you and building your confidence for your first role. 

Visit the employment section of our website to see our recommended search engines and book some one on one time with a career coach.

Finding Employment

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Join our private Facebook Group to share your knowledge, ask questions and engage with other provisional psychologists. 

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